Sunday, February 18, 2007

Our Daily Bread

I have been listening to Brian Doerksen's new album "Holy God" many times as I drive back and forth to work. His second song is about The Lord's Prayer. One phrase has struck me deeply. He sings, "Feed us today what we need to live" for the phrase "give us today our daily bread." I just thought that this was a very convicting adaptation to the common phrase of The Lord's Prayer. I tend to ask more or expect God to give me more than I really need each day. I have often asked myself lately, "What is it that I need to live?" Do I need 3 meals a day? Do I need to have everything go right for me throughout the day? Do I need to be comfortable and without trial?And to think that God provides what I need TODAY - not what I need tomorrow, or next month or next year or even for my retirement etc. Can I trust God to give me exactly what I need to live today?

This phrase goes through my head a lot and slowly I am learning to trust God to face the challenges of today and put aside the challenges of tomorrow or of my future. I sincerely believe this is the way God wants us to live. As I think of the poor in Africa or here in North America, they live to survive each day and cannot even be concerned about whether they will survive tomorrow. As I faced my emotional struggles in the past few years, I have pleaded that I want to do more than just survive each day. I have asked God many times to just give me a period of time where there are no challenges. As I look back, I realize that God did give me what I needed to get through each day. And God does give more many times when I look to Him for my needs for a particular day. And it is a blessing to be able to look at the end of the day and say "I did more than just survive because God gave me what I needed for that day."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lydia,

thanks, this is quite an encouragement to me.
