Sunday, September 28, 2008

Coming to Jesus

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

Come to me.
I want to run the other way.
Come to me.
I can't hide from You.
Come to me.
Still I want to run.
Come to me.
Okay... well, maybe
Come to me.
Just a little step.
Come to me.
I open up a little.
Come to me.
I lay some of my burden.
Come to me.
How can I trust?
Come to me.
Your arms are open wide.
Come to me.
Here's a little more of my burden.
Come to me.
Here's my rest.
Come to me.

LM, September 2008

1 comment:

Silue K and P said...

Lydia, I've been thinking of you so very often. Today we stopped at Panera for an interlude, personal time between intense visits with people. And I found myself longing to visit you. This poem expresses my heart so much, and is the answer to the prayers I've been praying for you. Let's just come to him, and rest. Love you -- Linn