Maybe it's a good thing that the Bible suggests we give 10% of our income in tithing - it is not affected by inflation! Being that it is a percentage - it would certainly increase if my income increased.
In thinking of why I tip a wait person - it is a personal thank-you for the service. If I thought that person served me exceptionally well, I increase the tip recognizing the effort. So when it comes to God - what if He blesses me with some extra funds unexpectedly - shouldn't I do the same and give a little more back to Him? It doesn't necessarily have to be monetary - but my time or my possessions. It would be a sign of my gratitude to His "service" to me. Sigh - I do have a lot to learn!!
1 comment:
Hi Lydia.I like your blog.I've been laid off for a few weeks and won't be back untill late April.So this is a topic at the forefront of the homefront forsure.It's hard to grasp sometimes. Since we are children we are told "a penny saved is a penny earned" and we are told "only $25.00 a week can add up too 1300.00 a year" and so on.
But when you hold that up to the blessings, the very life God gives us,it's not much at all.To bad they don't teach more of that in school.
I started a blog myself,but I'm not too keen around a computer.Its at blogspot,I go by the name of Thominism.
Lora and I miss you at Southwood. drop us a line if you can .We're at lora.strople@gmail.com
Thom Strople
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