Sunday, July 15, 2007

Call to Follow Him

I spent this weekend with one of my closest friends from my time in Africa. I was really shocked as we walked through the grocery store at how comfortable I had become with all the options. I also relived many of my memories from my time in Africa as she shared her experiences. Today, I met a lady who reminded me of a poem I had written. As I looked for that poem, I came across this one which I wrote four years ago. I was challenged once again by the words.

Call to Follow Him

Driving to pay the bills at the local bank.
Driving to Tim Hortons for that much desired coffee.
Driving to the grocery store for next week's needs.
Driving to the beach to spend a day in the sun.
The rich drive on with their burdens in the trunk.

Walking with today's firewood collected in the bush.
Walking with baskets of harvested millet and corn.
Walking with basins of water from the well.
Walking with clothes clean to enter God's house.
The poor walk on with burdens on their heads.

Jesus walking to the temple to preach God's Word.
Jesus walking to the house of Zaccheus amidst the scorn.
Jesus walking to the Samaritan woman at the well.
Jesus walking and a woman is healed with a touch of His robe.
Jesus relieving many of the burdens carried by man.

Jesus walking - to His betrayer's kiss.
Jesus walking - bleeding and spit upon.
Jesus walking - carrying His cross.
Jesus walking - knowing well what lay ahead.
Jesus carrying the burden of sin for the world.

Do we dare walk the road that Jesus walked?
The richest of the rich seem to avoid suffering.
The poorest of the poor understand the pain.
Jesus calls us - "My yoke is easy. My burden is light."
Who will dare to walk with Him?

L.M. (Aug, 2003)

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