Thursday, July 26, 2007

Party on the Water

A few days ago at breakfast with my parents, we read the story of Jesus walking on the water together in Matthew 14. I was struck by the similarities and differences of the previous story of Jesus asleep in the boat when a storm came up in Matthew 8. Both times the disciples were afraid. They were in large waves on the lake. Jesus was there but not active in preventing the dangers at first. Both times Jesus says "You of little faith." (NIV) when the disciples and Peter expressed their fear. And Jesus calmed the winds twice. There is a difference though in the disciples' response. The first time they marveled, "What kind of man is this?" The second time they worshiped, "Truly you are the Son of God."

This morning, out of the dark night, I began to wonder. What would have happened if Peter did not look at the wind? What if He kept looking at Jesus' face and did not doubt? I can see him reaching Jesus and Jesus enveloping him in His arms. Imagine the joy. Perhaps they would have danced. What would the other disciples have done? Would they have jumped out and walked on the water too? What a party it would have been! Can you see them cavorting on the waves?

Oh, if I doubted a little less, to know Jesus as He truly is in the midst of the waves and to be able to walk through the fear and to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus' face.

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